Introducing the brilliantly remarkable:

Shin Kawamoto

Who is Shin Kawamoto?

Meet Shin Kawamoto, a multi-talented individual whose life journey has been nothing short of fascinating. Born in 1988 in Japan, Shin is not your ordinary person. He’s an author, an entrepreneur, and a global explorer who has left an indelible mark on the world.

Business venture beckoned Shin during his student years, leading him to embark on a remarkable journey from 2012 to 2019. He mixed business with an adventurous life, traveling the world and creating a unique lifestyle that defied convention.

Shin Kawamoto at TEDx

In 2021, Shin made a pivotal decision by establishing his base in Canada, further expanding his horizons. His audacious spirit didn’t stop there. In 2019, he graced the stage at TEDx, captivating the audience with his groundbreaking invention, the “Super Shield Pants.” These pants can block an impressive 99% of electromagnetic waves and have gained recognition in popular magazines like TARZAN, with circulation of 170,000 copies.

Besides innovating, Shin also consults for major magazines, delivering accurate trends and information to a broad audience.

But that’s just the tip of the iceberg. In 2016, Shin ventured into the Philippines, where he began his journey as a company owner. His love for bridging cultures and sharing Japan’s heritage with the English-speaking world sparked a significant realization.


While English speakers found Japanese anime, traditions, and travel fascinating, they struggled to grasp the true essence of Japan. Friends and acquaintances wanted an authentic insight & understanding of Japan, in 2023, Shin launched “AnimeInJapan.”

AnimeInJapan” isn’t just a website; it’s a gateway to Japan’s culture, curated by someone who truly understands it. Shin Kawamoto’s vision is to unlock the hidden gems of Japan, bringing you closer to its soul and essence. Join Shin Kawamoto on an extraordinary adventure through the enchanting realm of Japanese anime, culture, and beyond.

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