One of the highly anticipated manga adaptations of 2025, SAKAMOTO DAYS, finally aired on January 11 on Netflix. This action-comedy shonen revolves around Taro Sakamoto, a retired assassin who left his dangerous past behind to settle down and raise a family. But even though he’s now a “chubby guy” running a local convenience store, his assassin skills are still there making for a hilarious mix of comedy and action.
Last Fall 2024, DANDADAN, another shonen manga, received its much anticipated adaptation. Fans of both the original manga and first time watchers were hooked. The show quickly became a hit, and with the second season coming in Summer 2025, many fans are looking for another show that can fill that void while waiting for more DANDADAN. Can SAKAMOTO DAYS be that show?
My Thoughts
I think that this will fill the shonen comedy hole that many fans will have, while waiting for the second season of DANDADAN. It looks just as ridiculous and funny.
However, do I think that it will be the better show? I don’t think it will be but I will be happy if I’m wrong. This is another two cour anime and it’s second cour will be also be airing in July 2025. If SAKAMOTO DAYS will be as good or even better than DANDADAN the summer season 2025 will be amazing.
The reason I don’t think it will be as good or popular is because of the main characters. Sakamoto is not at a relatable age, no offense to the older people, but his underling is. The age makes the romance aspect of the anime more relatable to a wider audience, like how it is with Momo and Okarun.
What I do think is better is the comedy. The style of comedy in SAKAMOTO DAYS is dry and blunt which is my style, and they do comedy better than DANDADAN.
The art looks to be about the same, but the action scenes in the first episode look better than action scenes in DANDADAN. I think as an anime revolving around hitmen the action would have needed to be amazing, and TMS Entertainment did not disappoint.
Who is animating SAKAMOTO DAYS?
- TMS Entertainment
Where to watch SAKAMOTO DAYS?
- Catch it on Netflix every weekend.
How many chapters does the manga have?
- Almost 200 Chapters
Official Main Trailer
Taro Sakamoto was the ultimate assassin, feared by villains and admired by hitmen. But one day…he fell in love! Retirement, marriage, fatherhood and then… Sakamoto gained weight! The chubby guy who runs the neighborhood store is actually a former legendary hitman! Can he protect his family from danger? Get ready to experience a new kind of action comedy series!
Taken from Shueisha’s Official Website